Takso Outcomes

Takso Outcomes

Here at Regional Arts WA we’ve embarked on a journey to better demonstrate the impact of culture and the arts within our communities. That’s where Takso comes in.

Takso is a tool aimed to help design and evaluate your activities, so you can better understand the value of your work, how to communicate your value, and identify your project’s successes and learnings for next time.

As an artist or arts worker, what you do is part of a bigger picture. The information provided in Takso will not only help you plan your future projects, but also give Regional Arts WA useful information to advocate to governments and other policy makers, leading to continued investment into the regional arts.

Takso is designed by the Cultural Development Network, a team of arts managers and researchers, who are working towards a vibrant and rich Australian culture.

Ready to acquit your project?

We have developed some resources to help you use Takso. Download the PDF written guide or watch the video below to get started.

Read Takso Guide

Need to skip to a section in the video? Hover your mouse on the white timeline above the Play button to reveal the chapters or click here to watch on YouTube.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to submit acquittal information in Takso?

If you have received funding from Regional Arts Resilience in 2020, you will need to submit acquittal information in Takso.

You should expect an email from us if this is a requirement of your grant acquittal. If you haven’t yet received an email with instructions for completing your acquittal, please contact investment@regionalartswa.org.au.

Why do I need to input information in SmartyGrants and Takso?

The focus of SmartyGrants and Takso are different.

In SmartyGrants we ask you to include information about your project’s detailed budgets along with evidence that the project took place – your photos, videos and other documentation.

Takso focuses on your intent behind your project (the outcomes) and your evaluation of these outcomes – the lessons learned and reflection for your future projects.

Where did these outcomes come from?

The Outcomes Statements were originally created by the Cultural Development Network (CDN), encompassing over a decade of research and six years of consultation with the cultural sector and governments at all levels.

The outcomes are centred on the theory that cultural products alone do not hold intrinsic value. The outcomes are not assessing ‘quality’ or ‘excellence’ of the cultural experience, but the impact on the person who engages with it. Click here to view the full list of Outcomes Statements.

Using the CDN statements as a basis, Regional Arts WA is now working in consultation with as many regional artists and arts workers as possible (including Perth based service organisations who deliver programs to the regions), to develop an agreed set of Outcome Statements for the regional arts sector in WA. If you would like to join the conversation, please contact us at info@regionalartswa.org.au to express your interest.

Who do I contact for help with my Takso acquittal?

If you are having trouble accessing or using Takso, please contact the Investment team:

Email: investment@regionalartswa.org.au
Phone: 08 9200 6200
Regional Freecall: 1800 811 883

We recommend you read through the Takso Guide (PDF) or watch the Video Guide on YouTube before contacting us.

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