Funding Application Guidelines

Regional Arts WA

Funding Application Guidelines

Country Arts WA wants to help you make your idea/project a reality.

When applying for funding, it is recommended all applicants follow a few simple steps – you will find out the process isn’t as scary as you may have thought!

  1. Develop your project idea and write down a brief.
  2. Call the Country Arts WA office to discuss funding options with an experienced project officer.
  3. Choose the most suitable fund for your project – read the guidelines and determine which grant is the perfect match for you.
  4. Start writing your grant well before the deadline and refer back to the project officer if you have any further questions.
  5. Send a draft through to receive feedback – comprehensive feedback can only be given if a draft is received at least one week prior to the closing date.
  6. Consider the feedback and make appropriate changes.
  7. Submit the application on time via Smartygrants.

For any further information or assistance with your idea and application process, please do not hesitate to contact the Country Arts WA office on regional freecall 1800 811 883, or 08 9200 6200, or email Fleur Hardy at

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