RAF Annual Event

Regional Arts WA

RAF Annual Event

The Annual Event program is designed to assist arts groups, community organisations and Local Governments to deliver high-quality annual arts and cultural events that encourage community participation and audience engagement from people living in regional and remote communities.

Funding may support annual arts and/or cultural events that:

  • Demonstrate the ability to continue to push the boundaries with arts outcomes, community engagement and sustainable cultural activity to develop the event each year.
  • Have been running for a minimum of three years.
  • Are separately branded from the applicant organisation and already has a demonstrated impact in the community. This may include an annual festival, showcase or exhibition.
  • Meet the objectives of the RAF.

The RAF Annual Event program will support up to four annual events to receive triennial funding of $25,000 per year for their Annual Event ($75,000 total). It may fund up to 50% of your activity costs and you must demonstrate at least 50% income, or your application will be ineligible.

Applicants must have a demonstrated track record of applying to Regional Arts WA for funding or support of an annual event. Unsuccessful applications will automatically be assessed in the March 2021 Regional Arts Fund Project Grant round for the first year of their program.

All RAF Annual Event projects must be complete by 30 June 2024.

Regional Eligibility

Applicants must reside in postcodes classified as regional using the Modified Monash Model Map. The applicant’s physical address must be MMM Classification 2 or above. To check how your address is classified visit the Doctor Connect Locator Map.


The objectives of the Regional Arts Fund are to support and promote participation in, and access to, arts and culture in regional and remote Australia by:

  • Encouraging and supporting sustainable economic, social and cultural development in regional communities;
  • Developing partnerships and networks which leverage financial and/or in-kind support for specific projects and encourage ongoing collaboration;
  • Developing audiences and broadening community engagement with the arts; and
  • Increasing employment and professional development opportunities for, and raise the profile of, regional and remote artists.

Specific assessment criteria are outlined in the Guidelines.

Assessment Process

RAF Annual Events applications are assessed by an independent, external panel of artists and cultural workers from across the state, selected by Regional Arts WA. The Panel’s decisions are final. Members of the complete Panel pool are listed here.

The Australian Government Minister for the Arts has the option to announce the Regional Arts Fund Community Grant recipients, after which Regional Arts WA staff notify all applicants. Notification of the outcome can take around three months after the Grant round closing date. Please be aware this is an indicative time frame only.

Successful Applicants

Successful RAF recipients must display the RAF logo (a combined set of the Australian Government logo and Regional Arts WA logo) on promotional material relating to the supported project. Logos are available here.

If you have any enquiries regarding logo usage please contact the Regional Arts WA Project Officer.

Grant Recipients

To see the full list of recipients, click here.

Links and Downloads

SmartyGrants Portal
Sample Tax Invoice

About Regional Arts Fund (RAF)

The Regional Arts Fund is an Australian Government Program that supports sustainable cultural development in regional and remote communities in Australia. It meets the strategic priorities of supporting participation in, and access to, the arts; and encouraging greater private sector support for the arts.

The Regional Arts Fund is designed to benefit regional and remote arts practitioners, arts workers, audiences and communities. The program is managed nationally by Regional Arts Australia and is delivered in all states and the Northern Territory by Regional Program Administrators.

Recovery Boost

The Recovery Boost is a $10 million targeted measure announced by the Australian Government in 2020 as part of the Relief and Recovery Fund. It responds to the difficulties experienced by regional artists, arts organisations and communities who have been heavily impacted by COVID-19. The Recovery Boost is one-off funding and will be delivered through the Regional Arts Fund and seeks to offer short (Relief), medium (Recovery) and long-term (Renewal) support.

Above image credit: Michael Damani Channelling Jimi Hendix at Nannup Music Festival. Photo by Isolated Photography, Elliot Welsford. Courtesy of Nannup Music Club Inc.


RAF Annual Event
Eligibility Groups, incorporated not-for-profit organisations and Local Governments based in Regional WA
Amount $75,000 over 3 years
Dates Closed


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