Designing the Future Summit
Regional Arts WA is working on an exciting new development for the future of the Summit and we need your input, your voice and your direction. If you have not been to a Summit and if this concept is completely new to you – don’t look away, we need to hear from you as well as those who have attended the event previously.
What is a Summit?
Every four years Regional Arts WA has held a state wide conference for the regional arts sector, bringing everyone together. These events expand conversations, provide opportunities for capacity building, connect and develop networks, and celebrate and showcase the arts across Western Australia. They usually run for about three days and cover an incredibly diverse range of themes and topics.
What are we going to do?
A series of focus groups will be held in January 2021
They will be held via zoom and there will be plenty of information provided before and after to support your attendance.
This is not programming development, rather, starting from a fresh base where we explore and expand ideas – what could this look like, how can we address everyone’s needs? How important is physical connection or is online the new way forward? What is important to you and what do you need from this program? We need your input as a valued member of the regional arts community.
What is a focus group?
Focus groups are like a big facilitated conversation on a specific topic.
They are used as research techniques to gathers insight from a community and are ideal for exploring important and complex topics in detail and providing a platform for voices to be heard. It’s a good tool to gain a rich understanding of perceptions and motivations, thought processes, and to unearth issues that are important.
If you live in regional Western Australia and you are involved in arts and culture in some way then we want to hear from you. If you have or have not been to a Summit previously then we want to hear from you.