COVID-19 Resources

Regional Arts WA


Regional Arts WA is committed to providing you with decision-making support about COVID-19 requirements.

Below is a list of information from trusted sources.

Last updated Thursday 22 June 2022.

Updates and information

For the latest updates and information relating to COVID-19 please refer to:

For more information you can phone The National Coronavirus Helpline (available 24/7) on 1800 020 080. Or the Coronavirus information helpline on 13 COVID (13 26843).

If you are looking for a list of locations visited by confirmed COVID-19 cases, you can visit:

If you are in a regional or remote area and experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, you can to find testing at your nearest Public Emergency Department.

If you have been directed to quarantine while waiting for a COVID-19 test result, are unable to work from home, and do not have access to paid leave or other income you may be eligible for the COVID-19 Test Isolation Payment.

If your business was impacted by Level 2 Public Health and Social Measures, Level 2 COVID-19 Business Assistance Packages may be available. 

Information for venues, businesses, and events

The Government of Western Australia has information available to help venues, businesses and organisers of events understand their responsibilities. Baseline public health and social measures apply as of 18 June 2022.

You may also find the following Toolkit’s helpful as they contain fact sheets, guides, posters, and social media tiles to help communicate your requirements.

For information on managing COVID-19 in the workplace you can read Employer Assist’s Guide to Coronavirus [PDF] or check out WorkSafe WA. If a staff member tests positive to COVID-19, please see the Safe Work Australia Infographic [PDF].

Information about vaccines

Showing proof of vaccination is not required when entering visiting venues and businesses. Showing proof of vaccination is required to enter visit hospitals and residential aged care facilities (exemptions apply).

From Friday 10 June 2022, vaccine mandates only apply to workforces working with the most vulnerable to protect them from severe disease.

For more specific information refer to:

Travel information

For information on entering WA, updates on the controlled border arrangements, quarantine requirements, and travel to remote Aboriginal communities please refer to:

COVID-19 Recovery

The Government of Western Australia has provided a WA Recovery Plan. However, you can also view specific resources available from other organisations:

COVID-19 Grants

For information about initiatives being provided by federal and state/territory governments in response to COVID-19, we recommend reading the Australia Council for the Arts COVID-19 Support Measures.

For more WA grants information relating to COVID-19:

Other grants may be available through:

Curious about other States and sector funding opportunities? Please check out the Funding Centre.

Mental Health resources

There are free services available specifically for the arts, culture, and entertainment sector:

There are also other crisis support services available, who are incredibly important and helpful:

You can find more localised services at My Services. 

The World Health Organisation has provided guides for Coping with Stress [PDF] and Helping Children Cope with Stress [PDF].

If you are supporting someone with their Mental Health, HelpingMinds has written about their Top Tips for Mental Health Carers during COVID-19 [PDF].

Online learning and webinars

Regional Arts WA hosts Regional Online Chats and has created the Development Calendar, filled with webinars, workshops, and learning opportunities available online.

Sentrient also provides publicly available online courses specifically for COVID-19 Safety at Work.

Trying to get yourself online? Check out some of these tips and guides:

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