The Decaffeinart Challenge

Regional Arts WA

The Decaffeinart Challenge

Who doesn’t love a good cup of coffee in the morning?

We practically run on the stuff, if we didn’t have coffee shops we’d have to find somewhere else for half of our meetings!

But, as much as we love a good cuppa, we could stand to give a few of them up to make a difference in WA’s regional arts scene – and we hope you might too.

All donations, even just the cost of a morning coffee once or twice a week, even once a month, will help us cultivate WA’s regional arts sector. Plus, all donations over $2 are tax deductible. Where could you get good coffee for less than that?

If you want to go one step further, why not take the Decaffeinart Challenge? Give up coffee for five days (or as long as you need to challenge yourself) and instead give the money you would have spent on coffee to regional arts in WA. Then you can challenge a friend to do the same!

Thank you for your generosity and support of regional WA arts!

If you would prefer to make a donation by cheque or direct deposit or if you have any questions about your donations, please contact Hayley Dart, Network Officer, on 9200 6204 or at

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