Lotterywest Shows on the Go 2020
As part of the Lotterywest Shows on the Go program Regional Arts WA and Act-Belong-Commit are pleased to announce YUCK Circus, touring regional WA in 2020.
If you’re new to the Shows on the Go program, head here for a primer on how the program operates, what you need to do to be involved and how it can benefit your community.
YUCK Circus: Touring regional WA in 2020
YUCK Circus are a 6-strong crew of elite acrobatic gals, ready to flip off double-standards and kick art in the face. They are not lightly throwing around women’s issues – they are literally throwing women.
Let’s get into the grit of it: they’re coming for your ‘female standards’ and rough Aussie norms. They are an award-winning Western Australian company of circus girls who are tackling the uncomfortable through dance, circus, and beaut comedic timing. YUCK is fun for the faint hearted, the strong willed, and the everyday battler.
They’re showing the humour of the trials and tribulations of what it’s like to be a young woman growing up in Australia. But don’t get us wrong, this isn’t girls-only, no boys allowed show. They have made this content relatable through comedy gold and crazy flips so that even Dazza from down the road will have a good time.
YUCK is active in providing accessibility for the masses through dedicated artistic development and inclusive dialogues around gender and national identity. They address these topics with light and entertainment, creating a safe and engaging platform to have some uncomfortable but educated chats.
These circus performers come from regional, remote, and isolated towns from all corners of Australia and are passionate about sharing their work and strengthening communities. They want to meet locals, affect towns, and be your mates. Their careers are founded in experiences like this, and it’s their company goal to keep that wheel turning.
“YUCK were able to create the perfect balance of discussing serious topics, flying through the air and being disgustingly hilarious.”
★★★★ Georgia Siciliano, FRINGE Feed
Ages: 15+
Please contact Project Officer, Carla Steele, if you have any queries on 08 9200 6217 or email